Friday, June 5, 2009

A little off

Claire was the first one up this morning... woke me up at 6:36. Since Henri was still sleeping, I decided to let Chase sleep in. I got him up a little after seven to get ready for school. He was a little mopey and said "they're just doing the talent show today, do I have to go?" For some reason-- maybe it's because the school year is about over and he's met all of his 1st grade goals or the fact that the swine flu is traveling around some of the schools-- I said, "Sure. You can stay home, but we're going not just playing all day."

Of course the kids played. One of the greatest thing about having three, is that they're their own playgroup!

I needed to take in the paper to the recycling center, so we went to Sahara for lunch. The kids ate their ice cream by the water fountain. Chase noticed that there were coins in it and after pointing it out to Henri and Claire, Henri decided that it would be fun to move the money around. Typical Henri, always has to mess with stuff... AND make a mess!!

When got home... we colored, cut, and glued. Then the kids went upstairs to play. Next thing I knew, the kids were headed back downstairs with Chase leading the way. Turns out he had a headache... his neck hurt where it comes into his upper back. So we read some books. Chase read his "Transformer" book in a flash... guess that I should get him the next level! Then, we all watched "Mythbusters" as they built a 7-foot LEGO ball and tried to roll it like this youtube viral video It was very cool... they proved that the video is definitely a "myth". Then the kids watched "Tom & Jerry" while I checked the garden and got the eggs. Which, by the way, the lady bug eggs have hatched... adios aphids!!

For dinner, we went to Cici's Pizza. Henri has a thing for the candy machines at the front, and while we were getting our food Henri went back up and then when I called him to come back... he got confused and walked in the wrong direction. He started crying... Chase grabbed him and carried him over to the line. After a hug and some reassurance that it was ok...I explained the importance of not wandering off to look at candy. Typical of Claire at Cici's... she ate wonderful... salad and everything. Henri ate so much more than he usually does-- 2 1/2 pieces of pizza, a bowl of pasta, a brownie and a cinnamon roll. But for Chase, it was at Cici's that I realized that he was definitely not feeling well. He only ate one piece of pizza (usually he eats around 4), chicken noodle soup AND he didn't complain when I only gave him one brownie and one cinnamon roll. He even didn't want to stop and get donuts for breakfast tomorrow... he said, "Can we wait to see if I'm not sick in the morning?" Of course, we'll wait.

This evening, the kids rode their bikes outside. I watered/fed and moved some flowers. Chase asked if we could go inside. Claire and Henri took a bath while Chase got ready for bed. Before bed, I took Chase's temperature (just to check, because honestly... he really didn't feel warm). It was at 100... hope it's not swine flu ;0!! Glad I went with my gut and didn't send him to school today.

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