Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tuesday, 1st Grade Picnic: Updated

So as I posted these pictures, I realized that I didn't even post about the picnic!! It was a beautiful day at Ogden Park. The 1st graders stayed with their respective classes through different centers such as, the playground, bouncey house, beach ball volleyball (Chase loved!), kick ball (Chase got a homerun!!), and bubbles. It was really well organized... lunch was a little hectic as all 130 first graders, parents and siblings gathered under the shelter to eat. The volunteer Dad's (of course) grilled hot dogs... funny how all of the men ended up around the grills!! Aaron met us at the park just before lunch and stayed until after we ate our ice cream or popsicles from the ice cream man. The students were all so great... they stood in line single file waiting for their turn to pick their frozen treat. Once again, we checked Chase out at the park, instead of sending him back to school. We brought the five recycling bins-- that we picked up at the landfill last week-- so the kids helped me put all the plastic bottles into 2 bins. We filled 2 extra-large trash bags full of bottles!

I didn't take many pictures the day of the picnic... it was pretty hectic. One picture that I wish I would have taken was Henri stomping in the mud by the spigot. It was a mess, it was disgusting and Henri was loving every second of it!
When we got home from the picnic, the kids ate a snack and chilled out for awhile. Then by 4:30, they were ready to go swimming. They swam just until dinner... which I had to practically pry them out of the pool!! Everyone went to bed early that night... we were all wore out from a long day of activities!

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