Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ever been to a landfill? Claire, Henri and I have. We went this morning to pick up some recycling bins for Chase's class picnic at the park. I rolled down my window to tell the lady who we were there to see... and the smell... oh the smell. It doesn't smell like a dumpster... it's worse... it's a funk that I cannot begin to explain. Then we pulled up to the building and the kids and I got out. We all held our noses and Claire asked why it smelled so bad. I looked and pointed to my left and said, "Because 'that' is a big hill of trash."

At gymnastics, Claire and Henri did as much as they could without me, which is everything excluding handstands. For lunch, we went to Chick-fil-a... yes, AGAIN. Claire loves her some Chick-fil-a. Luckily for her... I do too :) Normally, they play in the play area for an hour or so... but today it was like an ice box. So we came home to hang out the laundry on the clothesline. The kids love helping hang the clothes... they hand me clothes pins or laundry to hang. They're great helpers!
When we picked up Chase from school... we had the windows down and as usual Chase threw his backpack in through the open passenger window... he thinks it's hilarious!! On the way home, Claire asked if she had dance and continued to tell me that she didn't want to go. But later while she was at dance, she was having SO MUCH FUN!! During her class, Henri colored and Chase wanted to draw Transformers-- his new kick-- but he forgot blank paper. So once Henri was done with his pictures... he and Chase ran around playing tag. At the end of Claire's dance class, they've started to do some tumbling stuff... handstands and wheelbarrows... which the kids absolutely love! After dance, we went to the grocery store to pick up some Manwich. On the way out, Claire was skipping and somehow she tripped over herself and hit her head and her elbow. And yes, the tears did flow... and screams!! She was like that for at least 30 minutes... she seems to be OK... elbow still hurts. She's been quite the calamity lately. Saturday she hurt her foot at the park, now the head/elbow incident and just a little bit ago she was sitting on the rocking chair and she fell off. I'm starting to wonder when a bone will be broken.
Aaron got the new pool vacuum today!! He put it in the pool as soon as he was done with dinner and Chase dove down to the deep end to retrieve something at the bottom-- he's such a great swimmer! The kids found 6 live toads in the skimmer basket. Upon our order (as the mosquitoes were eating us up), they released them all into the flower garden.

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