Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Buckets of Rain

Puzzles and games... that's how we started our Tuesday. Claire, Henri and I went to the grocery store and while we were inside, we heard the sky fall out. When we finished grocery shopping, we looked out the front windows to see that it was indeed pouring buckets of rain. We went outside and I parked our groceries, Claire and Henri behind the "fence" on the sidewalk, told them to stay put-- 10 times-- and then sprinted. By the time I got to my car (in the second spot), I was completely drenched. I got Henri and Claire (and the food) into the car without getting wet. Well... Claire did say, "Mom, my hand is wet."

It rained until early afternoon. So we did puzzles and played hide-n-seek. Claire has finally learned to be VERY quite! When Chase got home, he read his new book to us. He wrote it. It's called "If You Give a Horse Some Hay" and it's dedicated to Omaha-- Grandpa Bill's horse. He'll have to read it to you sometime. After our snack, we watched the movie "Spirit". It's an animated horse movie. The kids and I really enjoyed it... even Ryan got sucked in :)

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