Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day to Birthday

We woke up on the 4th with big plans. Henri had finally gotten over his fever... but he passed it on to Chase!! So there went our plans!!

I'd been without sunglasses for about a week, so we went out to get me a new pair and ran a few errands while we were out. As soon as we got home, Chase fell asleep on the couch. Late afternoon, Claire and Henri went with Aaron to Jay's for his annual 4th of July party. From what I heard, they had lots of fun swimming, and running around. They watched fireworks on the dock. Chase and I sat around A LOT and talked and watched TV... when he wasn't taking a nap! After Aaron got home, they all fell asleep so fast! Chase was wide awake and our neighbors started their fireworks around 10 PM. So we sat on our couch looking out our front window watching the fireworks. It was like our own private firework show. It made Chase happy... "it's no fun being sick on holidays." he had said earlier as we listened to distant fireworks. So at 10:45, I called it a night. Chase was still wide awake, so he decided to draw for a little.

Today, Chase was still running a fever. He did better today though... no naps... and he actually had an appetite. Henri woke up last... but he was in a great mood when he woke up to "Happy Birthday!" Claire told him, "Henri, I can't carry you anymore because you're 3." I asked her if he gained 10 lbs overnight?!! So, he ate breakfast and then opened his presents. His favorite is his new 2-wheel bike (Chase calls it a 4-wheeler because it has training wheels). When he hopped on it and started peddling he had this smile and this look of "I can't believe this is mine". He's really good at riding it... he even made a skid mark on the driveway!

After schlepping around for awhile, we decided to go bowling (per Henri's request). We had lots of fun... I won with 99! Yes, I know that's not impressive. But we had fun!

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