Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Different Perspectives

After I picked up Claire and Chase from school, Claire asked why Henri doesn't eat lunch at his school and began a conversation about why Henri should want to go to school. With that came 3 very different opinions on school.

Claire-- "School's FUN!!"
Chase-- "School's boring."
Henri-- "School STINKS!"

2 Reasons to Cry

According to Claire's behavior yesterday, there are 2 really BIG reasons to cry about school.

  1. P.E.: Tennis shoes are not cool and neither is being told that she should wear them. Running around is fun, but in the setting of P.E.... she's just not digging it. So yesterday morning-- in tears-- she asks if we could write her a note so that she can just sit and watch P.E.. Who knew that could start SO young? High school is going to be rough.
  2. Opening the car door: When I pick Claire up from school, the teachers always open the car door for her. Yesterday, she gets in the car and immediately starts crying. The problem? "They opened the door for me... I can do it myself."
The things a 5 year old girl can make a disaster!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picture Night

Yesterday, late afternoon, we went to the south end of Wrightsville for our family pictures. We were supposed to get them taken today, but thanks to my Mom's constant weather updates (and impending rain), we were able to switch our appointment!!! AND I'm so glad we did!! It was SO gorgeous.... everything was perfect... high tide.... so there were a long stretched out tidal pools for the kids to run and play in. So, typical, of our family pictures the boys got soaking wet. And we all had so much fun...

Walking back through the sand dunes to the gazebo, I found a piece of a glass bottle and a Styrofoam cup and with that... my little litter picker-uppers began their hunt for litter. As usual, it wasn't hard to find the litter... lots and lots of cigarette butts. As I picked up a candy bag, Claire said to me, "Mom, why are people so trashy??". "I don't know... I wish I knew." Having to walk several blocks because we parked at Casey's... when we finally got to the car, Chase says, "Can we go to Kohl's?" Aaron hadn't eaten dinner yet and thought it was a great idea... and I-- loving Kohl's custard-- decided that hip hop could wait until next week. Sitting outside eating our ice cream, hearing the ocean, the boys soaked with salty water, and sand all over us-- could life be any better?? I think not.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Over

Well, it's official. Friday was Henri's last day of his 3 year old preschool class. After a weekend of deliberation and his reaction as we went to leave for school this morning... we made the decision to withdraw him from preschool. While it's not the child I expected to want to stay home... I guess I'll be homeschooling after all.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Since Henri started preschool, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday have been the same. He always asks me "Where we going?" and as soon as I tell him "school".... he starts crying and telling me about how he doesn't want to go to school. Of course, I try my hardest to comfort him and tell him about all of the fun things he's going to do while he's there and even reassure him that I will stay for a little and play with him... but nothing I say or do helps.

So today, for the 6th time, I took Henri to school. He stays pretty close to me and keeps an eye on what I'm doing. I watch him play play-doe and help him get situated, but then there's the moment when he realizes that I'm going to leave. He suddenly becomes very clingy. I hold him and love him and tell him all the things he needs to hear. As I attempt to leave...Holding him, I try to pass him off to his teacher... only to have him hold tighter. Arms around my neck crying... "I don't want go school." I pry his fingers apart and hand him to his teacher. Screaming and crying... arms reaching for me... he looks at me in despair and desperation. I give him a kiss and tell him I'll be back.

I cry because I don't want to go... I don't want him to cry... I want to take him with me... and make it right. Only thing is... I'm not sure what is right.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Who Did It???

As we were getting the kids ready for bed last night, I walked into Claire's room to see Henri standing next to Claire's refrigerator holding a green marker. Her refrigerator had green marker ALL over it.

I say, "Henri! Did you do that? Who did that?"

Henri replies, "It no me, Chase."

Of course, with him holding the marker in his hand, I say, "Don't lie. Who colored on Claire's refrigerator??"

Again, he says, "I didn't do it. Chase."

With that, I called Chase into Claire's room (Claire is standing by quiet this whole time.). "Chase, did you do that?" I ask knowing full and well that my 7 year old knows not to do that. Of course, he answers while in shock of what he's seen, "No."

I turn around to blame Henri again then I see marker on the top of Claire's dresser. I'm beyond livid and at the time can't believe that Henri hasn't fessed up. THEN, I sit down on Claire's bed and see the side of her dresser. Now I should've taken a picture... but I was in the moment.

I said, "Claire!?? It was YOU!!! Why would you color all over everything???"

Her response, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"

The whole side of her dresser was covered in words that she could write like: mom, dad, chase, and lots of "Claire hieroglyphic letters". After using baking soda and remembering that days earlier I went against my eco-ways and bought Magic Erasers... the marker finally came off.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Tooth Fairy Returns

For the past several days, the kids have been crazy! Last night before bed, they were wrestling and being "animals" (figuratively speaking). All of the sudden Chase runs out-- hand held high-- and says, "Look, Claire knocked out my tooth!!"

Lost tooth count: 4

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Words of Henri

Henri: "I found a best friend!"

Mom: "You did! Who?"

Henri: "You, you my best friend."

Two First Days

This morning, Henri had his first day at preschool. We've been talking about it for awhile and the past week, I tried to "prep" him as much as I could for what was going to happen. Before we left the house, he told me that he was "scared". I stayed with him in his class for about 20 minutes and had to leave to take Chase his snack at school. Henri wasn't ready for it. He cried and cried.... it made my heart break. After about 15 minutes, I called to check on him. They said he was calming down. Thank goodness. I, then, for the first time in years went shopping by MYSELF. It was nice. When the time came to pick up Henri from school, I got on my bike and rode up to get him. He was the first one out and he looked so whooped. He was happy, but he just looked sad in his eyes. We hopped on the bike and he said, "Don't go too fast for me.". At that point, I'd do anything he asked... just want my happy, P&V Henri back. We had lots of fun on our bike ride and he told me "I love you" a million times... which hasn't stopped all day.

After Henri and I picked up Claire and Chase from school, Claire had dance. Based on how she ended dance this summer (bad attitude), I was nervous whether or not she would take the classes. I was happily surprised to see her walk right into the class and participate with great enthusiasm!! After her ballet and tap, she asked if she could stay for the jazz class. The boys (well, mainly Chase) were spent after 2 hours of being at the dance studio. But, Claire had lots of fun dancing with Miss Christy and meeting some new friends.