As we were getting the kids ready for bed last night, I walked into Claire's room to see Henri standing next to Claire's refrigerator holding a green marker. Her refrigerator had green marker ALL over it.
I say, "Henri! Did you do that? Who did that?"
Henri replies, "It no me, Chase."
Of course, with him holding the marker in his hand, I say, "Don't lie. Who colored on Claire's refrigerator??"
Again, he says, "I didn't do it. Chase."
With that, I called Chase into Claire's room (Claire is standing by quiet this whole time.). "Chase, did you do that?" I ask knowing full and well that my 7 year old knows not to do that. Of course, he answers while in shock of what he's seen, "No."
I turn around to blame Henri again then I see marker on the top of Claire's dresser. I'm beyond livid and at the time can't believe that Henri hasn't fessed up. THEN, I sit down on Claire's bed and see the side of her dresser. Now I should've taken a picture... but I was in the moment.
I said, "Claire!?? It was YOU!!! Why would you color all over everything???"
Her response, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
The whole side of her dresser was covered in words that she could write like: mom, dad, chase, and lots of "Claire hieroglyphic letters". After using baking soda and remembering that days earlier I went against my eco-ways and bought Magic Erasers... the marker finally came off.