Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BIG Day!

Yesterday, I woke up Claire at 6:40 am to get ready for her first day of Kindergarten. She was so cute... tired, but so excited. Never once did she complain about being tired or have to be pushed to "get moving". Aaron said that she talked his ear off the whole way to school and was even ahead of him walking in!! When they got to her classroom, she pulled Dad in-- not from nervousness-- from excitement.

So our bossy girl only has one rule for her teacher: with another Claire in her class...she's just Claire, not Claire R..

The day was strange without our Claire Bear. The boys and I went to the barbershop, and to Target (yes, again!) to pick up some forgotten school supplies. That afternoon, the boys and I parked and waited outside on the benches of her school. Henri-- so used to going inside-- was bummed that we weren't walking inside to get her. From the moment we saw Claire, she was so happy. She walked with a hop in her step and kept talking about Chester the Raccoon. Her class-- like Chase's when he started Kindergarten-- went on a "search" around the school for Chester (he leaves clues all around the school... and in turn the kids explore without realizing they're touring the school :) ). So, her first day was a success and she can't wait to go back on Friday to meet all 18 of her friends!!

Once we got home, the kids and I went on a bike ride and took the baby chicks (now a week old!) in the backyard. Now, I wish I could say that the rest of the day was just as perfect as everything that preceded the evening... but it wasn't. After dinner, all of Chase's pent up emotions-- anxiety, fear, disappointment, anger-- about going to school poured out of him. He was a much so that it was like a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum. He was so mean and bossy... but I know he didn't mean any of it. Claire helped cheer up the moment by saying, "Mom, I told Henri that we're on Mom's team." Thank goodness they recognized what he was doing was inappropriate. Thankfully, once we got him around for bed, read some books and cuddled... and after many BIG hugs... he calmed down.

While we were putting Claire and Chase to bed, Henri said that he wanted to sleep on his floor (just like his big sister). I told him "ok" and to grab his sleeping bag. After he didn't return, minutes later, I decided to check on him only to find him on his floor, in his sleeping bag... sound asleep. We all had a big day...

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