Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Carrots

On the way home from karate tonight... oh wait... rewind....

A couple of weeks ago, Chase decided that he no longer wants to take horse riding lessons. He just wants to ride a horse on a trail and was bored with all the "learning" involved with his horse lessons. Of course, this didn't come out of nowhere.  For the past few weeks, he has taken an interest in karate (this could have something to do with "The Force" he has been trying ever so hard to use on me... and not to mention all of the junk food in the grocery store.)  Finally, on Tuesday, Aaron took Chase to his first karate class. He had such a great time that he couldn't wait to go back tonight. On the way to his class, he asked, "Mom, you're going to sign me up tonight, right?!!" He's already made friends... "fought" with these "battle sticks" (they totally look like light sabers or the 'noodles' used for swimming).  He had such a blast... and, of course, was all smiles throughout the class.

So.... as I was saying... on the way home from karate Claire says, "Mom, how come we never have Little Carrots?"


"Little Carrots. How come we never go there?"

"Claire, what the heck are little carrots????"

"You know that place with the orange sign.... Little Carrots, when can we go there for dinner??"

Obviously, I was completely baffled... THEN, it hit me.

"Claire you mean Little Caesars???"

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